Nimeet Kapoor

Company: Adventist HealthCare
Job title: Program Director, Staffing Management Services
Develop: What More Can We Learn About Building Robust Talent Pipelines & Sourcing Strategies to Hire Diverse, Mission-Critical Talent & Support Retention? 9:25 am
Question & Answer Session Facilitated by the ChairRead more
day: Day One
Discover: Building & Nurturing Talent Pipelines to Support Recruitment & Retention in Healthcare 8:25 am
Discussing strategies to create effective talent pipelines, both domestically and internationally, including a Psych Tech Academy, apprenticeship programs, and international nurse recruitment efforts to address workforce gaps Uncover optimized ideas to leverage recruiters with clinical backgrounds to enhance the effectiveness of talent acquisition efforts, ensuring that new hires are aligned with their career goals and…Read more
day: Day One